Sunday, January 11, 2015


I was reading the "Can I Have..." section of the whole 30 website and came across this beauty:

Kombucha: Read your labels
We like the probiotic benefits of ‘booch, and we think it makes a fine addition to your Whole30 menu. Just read your labels carefully—sugar listed in the ingredients generally means that it was added after fermentation, and that’s a no-go.  Some varieties, like GT Dave’s Enlightened flavors, have fruits and fruit juices added, which are just fine.
- See more at:

So now I just have to find one that doesn't state it has traces of alcohol in it, phew. I was excited because I sure love me some kombucha.

Day 5 & 6

Breakfast: Pretty much the same every morning, some version of eggs with meat (crab meat or Applegate beef dogs)

Lunch: Spinach salad with berries, grapes, bell peppers, and tessamaes dressing

Dinner: Thrown together, zucchini, asparagus and left over stew

Day 6:
Breakfast: usual

Lunch: Since it was Saturday and we were both out and about with the kids, it was more snacks: almonds and fruit

Dinner: Chicken sauteed in garlic, seasoned with basil and parsley. I made mine into a spinach salad with a bunch of vegetables (radishes, jicama, cucumbers, and celery), Brian wrapped his in lettuce and ate it as a wrap

We are both feeling really good. Brian's puking episode was random and we don't think it was related...I'm considering taking him to the doctor because I think it might be a bigger issue, a colonoscopy might be in his future.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 4 and Day 5

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and an apple
Snack: cashews and almonds
Lunch: dinner left overs 
Snack: banana
Dinner: turkey burgers with garlic, jalapeños, onion, oregano, salt and pepper. 
Sweet potatoe "buns". Broiled sweet potatoe sliced and seasoned with garlic, salt and pepper 
Salad with franks sauce....

Day 5
Breakfast: Apple and Adams peanut butter 
Lunch: dinner left overs 
Snack: assorted nuts 
Dinner: ground turkey sautéed with onions, garlic, and bell peppers over kale

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 4

Breakfast: sweet potatoes, pears and apples
Lunch: spinach salad wih strawberries, grapes, almonds and tessamaes balsamic dressing, so good.
Dinner: crock pot beef stew that was damn good, and cooked kale
Here is the recipe:

Snacks: apples and carrots

Day 3

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and steak 
Lunch: steak and turkey salad with lemon juice as dressing
Dinner: fiesta chicken (cumin, paprika, chili powder, garlic, salt, pepper) cooked in chicken broth. Served over a baked sweet potato with avocado salsa

Snacks: Apple, mixed nuts, and banana

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 3

Breakfast: coffee with a teaspoon of ghee and some coconut milk, blended in the magic bullet...comes out like a cappuccino and it was really good. Breakfast: egg, sweet potatoes, chicken dog and some fruit.

Lunch: kale salad loaded with veggies, crushed cashews and a hard boiled egg. I found compliant balsamic vinaigrette freeing and It was delicious! Tessamaes dressing found at Safeway or whole foods. 

Snack: almond butter and apples and kombucha 

Dinner: chicken sautéed in onions and garlic seasoned with salt and pepper, cooked bell peppers, kale, and spinach and added garlic, s&p. 

We are oddly feeling energized, happy and excited. I think we really needed this diet change...

Day 2

Breakfast: black coffee, shit ton of water, two hard boiled eggs and compliant hot dogs (applewood, pretty good, wouldn't call them a hot dog substitute but they are good nonetheless...found them at trader joes). Also had some grapes and pears.

Snack: apples

Lunch: left over ground turkey and added cashews to it...downside to so many leftovers is that I'm kind of sick of it at this point. Drank kombucha to help liven up my lunch which helped.

Dinner: steak, asparagus and sweet potatoes. Delicious, filling, and it felt like a normal meal.

I had tea in the evening but another successful nigh of no snacking which is huge for the holcombs!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 2

Scrambled eggs, turkey sausage and left over asparagus from last nights dinner. Salt and pepper and franks sauce

Lunch: Lemon and Dill Salmon, Baked Sweet Potato with salt and franks, and Asparagus

Dinner: Was my favorite so far
Mexican Steak & Avocado Salsa
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Mexican inspired sirloin steak with fresh avocado salsa.
Steak Seasoning:
  • 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • ½ tablespoon cumin
  • ½ tablespoon oregano
  • ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • ¼ teaspoon fresh ground pepper
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1½ to 2 pounds of sirloin steak
Avocado Salsa:
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1 jalapeno, chopped
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • ¼ cup cilantro
  • ½ teaspoon garlic
  • 1 teaspoon lime juice
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Mix all of the steak seasonings together and rub on steaks about 40 minutes before grilling, covering well. Grill for 8-10 minutes, flipping once during the grilling, until steaks reach desired doneness.
  2. For avocado salsa, mix the salsa ingredients together in a bowl. Serve on top of the steak.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Day one

Scrambled eggs and bell peppers, black coffee, smoothie (pears, strawberries, oranges, and water)

Apple slices and watermelon

Ground turkey: sauteed onions and celery in coconut oil then browned the turkey. Added cayenne pepper plus salt and pepper and made a big batch for the whole week. I finely shredded (would've used a food processor if I had one) zucchini, carrots, and cauliflower and added it to the pan.
Thinking I will find a good recipe for some kind of dressing though, would've liked to add some sort of dressing to it.

Snack: hard boiled egg

Ground turkey (recipe above) lettuce wraps, so good!! And very satisfying.

Here's to no snacking tonight...gulp.
345 AM alarm, black coffee, 1/2 banana, almond butter and crossing.

Steak for breakfast because honestly we weren't prepared.

Kale salad with chicken for lunch. Apples, nuts, cucumber, celery for snacks.

This recipe for dinner:

Emergency Protein with Curry & Cabbage

Recipe from the Nom Nom Paleo™ app for the iPad
Makes : 4 Servings
Hands-On Time : 15 min
Total Time : 15 min
The idea behind emergency protein (a.k.a. garbage stir-fry) is to quickly cook up whatever protein and vegetables you have lingering in the fridge. Ground meat is budget-friendly and perfect for stir-frying, and with some vegetables and spices, you'll soon have a big batch of food that you can shovel into your mouth whenever necessary. 


1 pound ground meat (venison, beef, pork, or lamb)
1 tablespoon Ghee or fat of choice
½ large onion, diced
2 teaspoons Madras curry powder or seasoning of choice
kosher salt
Freshly-ground black pepper
2 cups roughly chopped cabbage or bite-sized fresh or frozen vegetables of your choice
Juice from ½ lime or a splash of vinegar

Cooking Equipment:

12-inch cast iron skillet (with lid)
Citrus juicer

Preparation Steps:

If your meat's still frozen, submerge it in hot tap water for 15 minutes or until it's thawed. [1 lb ground meat]
Heat your cooking oil of choice in a large cast iron skillet. [1 T Ghee or fat of choice]
Cook the onions until they're soft and translucent. [½ large onion, diced]
Add the ground meat to the onions in the skillet.
Break it up with a wooden spoon, and…
Stir fry until the pink's gone.
Sprinkle the curry powder on the ingredients, season with the salt and pepper to taste, and stir to incorporate. [2 tsp Madras curry powder salt pepper]
Throw in the cabbage, and… [½ small cabbage, roughly chopped]
Cover and cook for 2 minutes or until the cabbage softens.
Taste and adjust the seasonings as desired.
Add a spritz of lime juice, and… [juice from ½ lime]
Plate it up. This recipe calls for curry and cabbage, but it can be endlessly modified, so feel free to improvise. Just sample the food while you cook, and stop seasoning when it tastes right.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


It's the eve of our first group whole 30, we're nervous, we're excited, we're hoping to make ourselves look good SUUUN!
So, post your food log as a way to keep yourself accountable and also to help give each other ideas on what is working and what isn't. Also, if a particular day is rough...misery loves company AmIRight?!

Yooooooo! First blog post, nice. We prepped our breakfast and lunch for tomorrow and are less than psyched. It's going to be a long 30 days. Breakfast is a banana, apple and some sweet potato's with turkey sausage, green pepper's and onion. Lunch is chicken breast over lettuce with carrots and mandarine oranges. Still figuring out what we are going to make for dinner. Probably cooked dirt with some seasoned dirt. Sweet.